A documentary series from Channel 4, hosted by professor Richard Dawkins, well-known darwinist. The series mixes segments on the life and discoveries of Charles Darwin, the theory of natural selection and evolution, and Dawkins' attempts at convincing a group of school children that evolution explains the world around us better than any religion.
In 1858 Charles Darwin struggles to publish one of the most controversial scientific theories ever c...
Friends and fans pay tribute to a great comic talent in this celebration of the life and work of the...
Explore the dramatic career and personal struggles of the talented and tragically short-lived entert...
James Grashow is an artist who has built—among many other things-- giant 15 foot tall fighting men, ...
Daniel Johnston stars in this psychedelic short film about an aging musician coming to terms with th...
An hour-long documentary on the life and career of actor David Gulpilil.
Documentary that gives background on Trollope's life from childhood, adolescence, adulthood and deat...
Documentary footage from various sources, set to music. Showing the whole of human life, from birth ...
A chronicle of Cyndi Lauper's meteoric ascent to stardom and her profound impact on generations thro...
The Oscar nominated actor best known for his role of Mr. Miyagi, left behind a painfully revealing a...
Matt Walsh's controversial doc challenges radical gender ideology through provocative interviews and...
Weaving together original film and photographic archives, A CLOUD NEVER DIES tells the story of a hu...
Danny Trejo, you know the man. He has fierce tattoos, and frequently plays a thug in your favorite m...
Going to the very heart of the Bible's most challenging Book, this one hour documentary decodes the ...
Explore the filmmaker’s life and career in interviews with colleagues, friends and Burns himself. Th...
In this documentary, Marie-Claire Rubinstein reveals to us, through the testimonies of the inhabitan...
As the eldest son of the legendary actor and producer Kirk Douglas (1916-2020), it was not easy for ...
Short film about the movement patterns of protozoa
The Dream Is Alive takes you into space alongside the astronauts on the space shuttle. Share with th...