Released two years after James Dean's death, this documentary chronicles his short life and career via black-and-white still photographs, interviews with the aunt and uncle who raised him, his paternal grandparents, a New York City cabdriver friend, the owner of his favorite Los Angeles restaurant, outtakes from East of Eden, footage of the opening night of Giant, and Dean's ironic PSA for safe driving.
This documentary captures the sounds and images of a nearly forgotten era in film history when Afric...
A short documentary exploring the ongoing relevance and power of 'Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma'.
Here and Elsewhere takes its name from the contrasting footage it shows of the fedayeen and of a Fre...
A meditation on the human quest to transcend physicality, constructed from decaying archival footage...
Marilyn Monroe is easily the most iconic woman of 20th Century Hollywood. Born Norma Jeane Mortenso...
An insider's account of Jack Warner, a founding father of the American film industry. This feature l...
Tina Turner overcame impossible odds to become one of the first female Black artists to reach a main...
When Francois Truffaut approached Alfred Hitchcock in 1962 with the idea of having a long conversati...
Director Chung Ji-Young criticizes the thought that older directors have difficulties in making cert...
A tribute to the late, great French director Francois Truffaut, this documentary was undoubtedly nam...
This is not merely another film about cinema history; it is a film about the love of cinema, a journ...
Belgian filmmaker Eric Pauwels' meditation on dream, travel and film.
A documentary pilgrimage to the annual James Dean Festival in Fairmount, IN as seen through the eyes...
Feature length documentary examining the troubled life and tragic death of college football standout...
An examination of why the James Bond films have proved so popular including a discussion between the...
Jonathan Ross delves into the world of James Bond and meets with new and former cast members who rev...
A living room, two video cameras, an armchair, two televisions and a mirror: domestic daily life in ...
The earliest surviving celluloid film, and believed to be the second moving picture ever created, wa...
The WAMPAS Baby Stars was a promotional campaign sponsored by the United States Western Association ...