The story revolves around a pachinko parlor worker named Shiori (Aoi) and her aspiring musician boyfriend, Tetsu. The two of them travel from Kyushu to Tokyo together and struggle to stay afloat while Tetsu chases his dream. Tetsu’s younger brother eventually shows up and the two brothers form a duo and start to play some shows together. Later, Shiori gets recruited as a gravure idol while Tetsu gets involved with a local yakuza and cheats on Shiori with another woman. Tetsu continues loving Shiori, but big city life gradually tears them apart.
After coming back from a trip a young newlywed wife discovers that her husband has packed up and lef...
After the death of the paranoid emperor Tiberius, Caligula, his heir, seizes power and plunges the e...
A young woman works in a Berlin hotel while her husband, a commercial art student, drives a cab. The...
We are a group of thieves called Gokurakudan. A thief is different from your average thief. It frust...
A brother who suffers from incest tries to commit suicide with his sister, but the sister dies and o...
Rinko inherits her parents’ public bath after they pass away. She starts to manage the business with...
Jackie and Lorna share a house in Florida. Jackie is a child psychologist and Lorna a successful wri...
A wife gets a call from a man claiming to be from her husband's company. He tells her that he will c...
A young and beautiful woman goes to stay with her "eccentric" brother in the country. He - a crazed ...
In the 26th century the inhabitants of Utopia have so lost their individuality, which varies in numb...
Shinichi and his younger wife, Saki (Marina Yuuri), are newly married, but Shinichi's thin salary ma...
A young designer falls under a man's erotic spell and is drawn into a world of sexual abandon from w...
Mayumi Hirose lived with her husband Yasuhiro and younger sister Miki. Her girlfriend Yasuhiro, who ...
Mai Kuraishi was attacked by two young men on the banks of the Chikuma River. They see her face and ...
Noriko Murakami's vermilion-stained body welcomed Toshio Kuze's cock. Kuze moves violently as if fas...
An unhappy married man meets a young girl who ran away from home, he decides to rent an apartment an...
A sexually frustrated young wife is determined to find a way to excite her impotent husband. She goe...
The small fishing village was polluted by the construction of the factory, and the fishermen were ab...
Kiriko Funo had an unpleasant experience in high school which made her stay away from love, but she ...