In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that took the lives of 20 first graders and their teachers, local clergymen Father Bob Weiss receives a letter from a fellow priest in Dunblane, Scotland, whose community suffered an eerily similar fate in 1996. From across the Atlantic, the two priests forge a poignant bond through the shared experience of trauma and healing.
A riveting expose about the personalities of murderers and their motives. This 72 minute film covers...
Six million Jews died during World War II, both in the extermination camps and murdered by the mobil...
How do we heal our deepest wounds? Two combat veterans, suffering from severe trauma, abandon pharma...
Since the renewed Intifada began in 2000, there have been over 75 Palestinian suicide bombings. This...
In this interview, psychiatrist Dr Stanislav Grof, MD and his wife Christina explain holotropic brea...
A short documentary following Koyote Moone and her medical and psychiatric service dog Banner. This ...
This is not a film about gun control. It is a film about the fearful heart and soul of the United St...
Targeted will be examining one of the key issues of the day, gun control, and will take you on a fas...
Uncompromising millennial radicals from the United States and the United Kingdom attack the system t...
Tracing the story of a student uprising this documentary explores how the NRA manages to keep a perm...
A documentary film that brings testimonies taken just one week after the attack, from 7 different ar...
In the aftermath of the February shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that left 17 dead,...
“I want to be a tiger. I am an atheist from Iraq and I am seeking asylum. About my hallucinations… I...
Four journalists talk about their experiences and share their testimonies of the Russian invasion of...
After the Robb Elementary school shooting in Texas, local Uvalde Leader-News journalists are left to...
The story of one of the most infamous books ever written, "The Anarchist Cookbook," and the role it'...
On May 18, 2018, Christian Riley Garcia was among the 10 who were shot and killed in the Santa Fe hi...
Darrell Scott tells stories of his daughter, high school student, Rachel Joy Scott. Also included is...