In this Lego stop-motion animated short brickfilm, an astronaut mysteriously trapped in space recoun...
A lonely telephone operator leading an empty, amoral life finds God – only to have her faith continu...
Quirky and rebellious April Burns lives with her boyfriend in a low-rent New York City apartment mil...
A portrait of a formidable political figure, unraveling the contrasting facets of an iron-fisted tyr...
A naive fitness enthusiast looks for a fresh start in Los Angeles, but collides with a Hollywood Bou...
After another of their fights, rival brothers are forced to wait at a country train station en route...
Dr. Clayton Forrester figures he can rule the world if he deadens his subjects' brains by making the...
On the eve of the wedding of an old flame, a young man must come to terms with every woman he has ev...
A teenage skateboarder becomes suspected of being connected with a security guard who suffered a bru...
A touching story of a likable, but somewhat slow, teenage boy who believes he has bought a major Syd...
A ranger exacts bloody vengeance against the gang that killed their partner.
A soldier’s homecoming takes a dark turn when he forgets to take an experimental medication, trigger...
Emperor Wang (the Perverted) is leader of the planet Porno and sends his mighty "Sex Ray" towards Ea...
Space-faring hero and galactically-renowned stud Flesh Gordon is kidnapped by a group of space cheer...
A wife reveals to her younger husband that she is having an affair.
Abby and Travis wake after a crazy night in Vegas as accidental newlyweds! With the mob on their hee...
Jean-Jacques Garbo is deeply dismayed by his wife's infidelity when he suddenly has inklings of anot...
Pepa resolves to kill herself with a batch of sleeping-pill-laced gazpacho after her lover leaves he...
After the death of his father, Kawasaki is dragged on a journey by his friends. The mission is to sc...
As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, Abby Johnson was involved ...