The horror-thriller follows a group of teenagers dealing with the disappearance of one of them, Yuki, at an amusement park's haunted house. On a rainy day 10 years later, Yuki inexplicably returns. However, no sooner is she united with her former friends than she collapses, and the group rushes Yuki to a nearby hospital. But after checking in, they discover that things are not quite as they seem at the medical center. As the night wears on, the group sinks deeper and deeper into the events from a decade ago that led to Yuki's disappearance.
Sequel to Tokyo Poltergeist (2023), the film that shocked Japan!
When the cast and crew of a paranormal TV reality program decide to shoot in the house of the origin...
While investigating the horrifying death of her boyfriend, Mai Takano learns about a videotape haunt...
Taking place thirty years before the events of Ringu, Ringu 0 provides the shocking background story...
People mysteriously start receiving voicemail messages from their future selves, in the form of the ...
As sadomasochistic yakuza enforcer Kakihara searches for his missing boss he comes across Ichi, a re...
A young pathologist seeks answers to the mysterious death of a friend and soon comes into contact wi...
Beautiful Noriko Miki works at a cosmetic company. One day, Noriko is murdered. People begin to susp...
A newly married couple discovers disturbing, ghostly images in photographs they develop after a trag...
When 54 high school girls throw themselves in front of a subway train it appears to be only the begi...
The erotic novelist Taeko is writing a morbid story of a family destroyed by incest, murder and abus...
Ryūichi and his small gang of Triad vie for control of the Japanese underworld in a crime-ridden Shi...
The inhabitants of a small Japanese town become increasingly obsessed with and tormented by spirals.
Roger Cobb, a divorced horror novelist coming to terms with the disappearance of his young son, inhe...
When the puzzle box is once again solved, Pinhead and his legion demolish all who dare oppose them. ...
Seven years after the death of his wife, widower Shigeharu seeks advice on how to find a new wife fr...
A nameless ronin, or samurai with no master, enters a small village in feudal Japan where two rival ...
When social worker Rika is sent to check on a traumatized old lady whose family have moved in at the...
Minami mistakenly kills a gangster associate of his named Brother. Almost as soon as the murder take...
A burning Godzilla, on the verge of meltdown, emerges to lay siege to Hong Kong. At the same time ho...