A black comedy film, which focuses on two film workers, Raffy, the clapper, and Dido, a utility boy. Both share the same dream: to direct their own films someday. Their lives as mere "small production people" took a different turn when, together with the people in the unit van they were riding,had an encounter with armed men. Their co-workers were killed, and the two of them were forced to drive the unit van out of fear until it ran out of gas. The van contains equipment for movie production like cameras, lights and film stocks. They ended up in a secluded barrio not yet reached by modern technology, and therefore, the townsfolk knew nothing of the movie industry.
The story of four young people, ShinAe Ahn who is transgender, and three others, pan-sexual, gay, an...
Four stories for the price of one! Two detectives struggling with their own masculinity learn to wor...
As a young couple struggle with the demands of life with a new baby, they plow forward on production...
Jimeoin, in the title role, plays a man fixated on the concept of celebrity, or more accurately, how...
This is a story of an entire family that are members of the LGBT+ community, and their individual/un...
The stars of a monster movie let their behind-the-scenes feud bring down the entire production as th...
A story of a small production house facing a challenge that could threaten their whole company
Paris, 1930. Luis Buñuel is penniless after the scandal surrounding the release of his last movie. S...
The trials and tribulations of putting a feature film together.
Film producer Reggie Wilson is worried he may have a dual personality. Fleeing Hollywood, he finds h...
Operating out of the movie capital "Nyallywood," Pompo has been shooting one B-grade entertainment f...
Hollywood movie director, Dick Dickster, is a drunk hack with a big ego and a bad attitude. He's bro...
Showing up late for a dinner date is awkward. But what if awkward is just the starters?
Two friends work together to follow their passion of filmmaking, but as their journey progresses, th...
Kurdish childhood friends Hussein and Alan want to produce a film about the genocide of Kurdish peop...
Author P.L. Travers looks back on her childhood while reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seek...
After finding out that his girlfriend cheated on him in his Star Wars bedsheets, Nico decides to ree...
An aspiring actor in Hollywood meets an enigmatic stranger by the name of Tommy Wiseau, the meeting ...
They'll take back your uncool heart to protect peace! One day cool director Piyoshi Kurosawa offers...
Movie star Vincent Chase, together with his boys, Eric, Turtle and Johnny, are back…and back in busi...