Aleksandar Zograf, a renowned cartoonist discovers an unusual comic book from World War II. The comic’s hero is Kaktus Kid – a small cactus trapped in his pot. Intrigued, Zograf investigates into the life of Kaktus Kid’s creator – little known artist Veljko Kockar. He soon discovers that Kockar was arrested just after the liberation of Belgrade in 1944. He was charged for being a Gestapo agent and executed. Zograf’s investigation reveals a far more complex story: Kockar’s identity and artistic works were stolen, he possibly has an affair with the girlfriend of a guerilla soldier and he drew anti-communist propaganda for the Nazis. As he explores the story and pieces together the scraps of evidence 70 years after it happened Zograf is faced with his own personal and artistic dilemmas: why do these little drawings have such power to give consolation but also lead to violence?
Documentary about the life and career of Vittorio Mezzogiorno through the voice of his daughter Giov...
A daughter is constantly overshadowed by her famous father, but she is determined to make her own ma...
A portrait of Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), a genius of modern architecture, whose life passed bet...
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
This shows physicist Stephen Hawking's life as he deals with the ALS that renders him immobile and u...
The first film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Senso...
A British documentary on tunneling if a building falls in ruins.
Balzac is a 1951 short documentary film by French director Jean Vidal. It is a biopic on the work, l...
This is the story of an incredible rise to power, the most comprehensive documentary on Hermann Goer...
A deep dive into the history of the Canadian Government and the Department of National Defence leasi...
Werner Herzog's documentary film about the "Grizzly Man" Timothy Treadwell and what the thirteen sum...
William Shatner performs a concert of biographical songs that take the audience into the reality of ...
1/4 - In 1925, the young M’hamed El Anka replaced his master Nador at short notice. He realizes that...
Helena Bonham-Carter narrates this explorative doc about Noele Gordon. Witness the rise & fall of a ...
A world of strong colours between documentary and fiction, centered on the life and work of modernis...