Carmen Got Expelled! was a television series pitched to Disney Television Animation in 2010 that only remained as a pilot episode consisting of a fully-animated intro sequence and a color animatic. The series was to revolve around Carmen, a rebellious young girl who has been expelled by every school she takes part in until she meets The Baron, owner of a private academy he enrolls her into, and must do whatever is takes to avoid being expelled again.
A group of people from different backgrounds lives together in a temporary housing complex in Los An...
Following the death of a former football player turned private investigator, his daughter, his forme...
A crusty old rancher hires three young women to pose as his daughters. However, the real father of o...
When Yoyotoki HappyEars! and her fox family accidentally land on Mytholopia, they find themselves in...
Wilbur Pope gets a horse to come live with him and his wife. But it's not just any kind of horse: It...
Two young girls from different sides of the tracks compete to see who will be first to lose their vi...
A physically small police psychologist and a physically large insurance detective team up on an arso...
Everybody lies, and everybody gets lied to...We lie to get ahead, we lie to get the girl, and to kee...
Blocked novelist Anthony Strack is desperate enough to plot suicide. Before he completes the deed, h...
A pretty ranch owner hires an alcoholic gunfighter to protect her ranch and her adopted boy from an ...
This pilot for a TV version of the critically acclaimed feature Diner (1982) focused on the complain...
TV pilot for series centered around a beachfront clinic in the community of Venice, California.
Three young women who posed as the daughters of an elderly homesteader find out that he has been fal...
The talking bulldog at a policeman's feet turns out to be his late partner.
The story of a family living in a New York City slum in 1912, headed by a loving but alcoholic fathe...
In a dark future wasteland, the great cities have risen and fallen, primordial beasts have reclaimed...
The host of a children's television show aimed for creativity starts experiencing burnout after need...
The story of Tom and Joann Hammil, a divorced couple who explore new relationships while maintaining...
A well-meaning but stupid ex-convict is drawn into a get-rich scheme that could result in his impris...