This holiday-themed children's film offers a unique take on the legend of Santa Claus and his tiny reindeer. In this movie, a young boy finds a deer in the forest he is sure is Santa's beloved Prancer. Determined to return the creature to the North Pole and his rightful destiny, the child overcomes the cynicism of his family to teach them and us a lesson about the true spirit of Christmas.
Kristina and Sture is married and has a little baby boy, Olle. Sture is an architect and while he is...
A hilarious and heartfelt holiday tale centered around everyone's favorite disaster-prone middle sch...
Once upon this Christmastime, in an enchanted town, a hyperactive little elf uses his special magic ...
Miser Ebenezer Scrooge is awakened on Christmas Eve by spirits who reveal to him his own miserable e...
It’s Christmastime and the far-flung members of the Rodriguez family are converging at their parents...
This Christmas film, created as a special for television broadcast throughout the Philadelphia, Penn...
A feature film created with one man's voice, license-free music and stock photos. Cinema in its imp...
Dastardly elf, Grumper, has done the unthinkable and STOLEN Santas prized Christmas sleigh. Now its ...
Davey Stone, a 33-year old party animal, finds himself in trouble with the law after his wild ways g...
Santa Claus, Mickey Mouse and all his Disney pals star in an original movie about the importance of ...
Sam the snowman tells us the story of a young red-nosed reindeer who, after being ousted from the re...
Pitch, the mean-spirited devil, is trying to ruin Christmas. Santa Claus teams up with Merlin the Ma...
A tech savvy ten year old video blogger's "Ultimate Christmas" unravels into chaos when her dad leav...
In the Australian outback a family struggles to keep its farm from foreclosure. Their only hope is t...
Valerie Warrick is shocked to learn the land passed down from her grandparents isn't in her family's...
When a young war vet returns home from Afghanistan, he struggles to find joy in the life he once kne...
On Christmas Day, Georgia experiences the true ups and downs of the holiday season. Through empathy ...
GM Aabria Iyengar returns with the four magical misfits stuck at wizarding school over winter break.
Jessica, the daughter of an impoverished apple farmer, still believes in Santa Claus. So when she co...
Buster and Chauncey - the world's greatest Mouse-icians - have arrived in Oberndorf for their shot a...