In this animated short, a young couple washed onto a strange, inhospitable shore, attempts to transform the land into an Eden. Through great effort they prosper, learning to conquer nature and their environment. But what will their victory mean? Alternately a vision of paradise and purgatory, with allusions to the Book of Genesis and prehistory, the film tells the story of human beings and their conquests, offering a dark, critical view of the rise and fall of civilizations.
This film is part of the 10th edition of “Fresh out of school”, a collection of 13 short films based...
King of the Cats (1984) is a short film adapted from the children's book of the same name by Paul Ga...
The ancient myth of the phoenix, the legendary bird with the amazing power of self-regeneration, is ...
In this animated environmental parable, we find a people living in harmony with nature, until carele...
In a dystopian world where touch is forbidden, Matta and Matto offer refuge to the lonely at Hotel V...
The climbing of an immense staircase made up of the most varied stairs- Symbolic scenes occur on dif...
Fragments of memories, dreams and life experiences come together in Impressionist and ethereal image...
Reflection about corruption, militarism and indoctrination.
A gentle tale of love told in halting words. A film about healing after profound loss. John and Mic...
The story of the evolution of life on Earth in animated form.
Delicately flirting with eroticism, the animated film The Banquet of the Concubine, by young Chinese...
Who is Monsieur Pug? Why, a dog with bad cholesterol and high blood pressure! And a dog who loves hi...
Marie-Francine Hébert based the script for No Fish Where to Go on her book, which was published in 2...
Many cultures have viewed the lunar eclipse as a powerful reminder of the Day of Judgment. People ch...
A meaningful journey into the Italian cultural heritage throughout musical quotes from Giacomo Pucci...
Detective Pikachu just wants to film his morning routine, but Tim has a bigger problem: his flan has...
A baby is transported to Lullaby Land, where pacifiers grow on trees, diapers, bottles, and potty ch...