Whispers, an innocent and adorable baby elephant who's just learning to walk on his own four feet, finds himself separated from his loving mother, Gentle Heart. In his desperate search to find her, he meets the cynical loner Groove, an outcast from her own herd who never wanted to be a mother. Together, this unlikely pair brave danger after danger on their incredible journey to find water and Whispers' mother.
Back home in Bujumbura with a Parisian diploma in his pocket and expecting to walk into a civil serv...
This film presents a harsh critique of the Koranic teaching through the tragic story of a small tali...
After a puritan youth, a young English woman discovers her sensuality in North-Africa.
Life in the African country of Mali in the 1990s is vividly highlighted in this mild drama. In the s...
Young Africans in Paris face insecurity and vague future. Should they stay in France, or return to t...
At a festival, a chorus of women sing and dance as two stories unfold. In a village, a young women w...
A Senegalese storyteller travels to Belgium and observes the lives of African expatriates in Europe....
The story revolves around the life of Mi, a free-spirited young woman in the very conservative 1940'...
A man who has a body almost completely covered in tattoos is searching for the woman who cursed him ...
A cast of unknown performers are used in this drama about child soldiers fighting a war in an unname...
A young fighter named Kham must go to Australia to retrieve his stolen elephant. With the help of a ...
On her first visit to East Africa, a young woman crosses paths with the Ranger charged with being he...
As a child living in Africa, Jill Young saw her mother killed while protecting wild gorillas from po...
David Locke is a world-weary American journalist who has been sent to cover a conflict in northern A...
The circle of life continues for Simba, now fully grown and in his rightful place as the king of Pri...
Bizet's Carmen gets a modern adaptation. Seducting, provocating, sensual. All the ingredients for a ...
Father Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to devote himself to history and archaeology as he ...
Alex, Marty, and other zoo animals find a way to escape from Madagascar when the penguins reassemble...