M2M's first original long-form documentary, Battle at Versailles, follows an event in 1973 at Palace...
Looks at the engineering of the Knights Templar, the religious order that marked the rise of the Mid...
Whistlestop tour of Dartmouth in Devon, taking in the 17th century Butterwalk arcade and medieval ca...
The Duplex A86 is a 10 kilometer underground highway buried more than 90 meters deep. This concrete ...
You will discover the history of the palace as well as the masterpieces it houses. This is the most ...
Stéphane Bern tells the story of King Louis XVI, deposed by the revolution and guillotined on Januar...
Ludwig II of Bavaria, more commonly known by his nicknames the Swan King or the Dream King, is a leg...
As BBC Two premieres its lavish new drama set in the sumptuous surroundings of Versailles, Lucy Wors...
Catchy mix of farce and documentary. Portrait of a Berlin theatre company made up entirely of the ho...
Artist Rolf Schulz's pursuit to make his dreams come true through his endless toil to complete the m...
Known as the setting of "Downton Abbey," Highclere Castle truly was the home of aristocrats and an a...
André Le Notre is certainly the most famous French gardener. He was also a designer, architect, engi...
Documentary telling the story of Balmoral, the royal family's most private residence. For over 150 y...
A hand-colored ride along the Bangor-Conwy-Colwyn Bay railroad filmed from an express train from the...
I want to remain an eternal mystery to myself and the others ... The myth of King Ludwig II is unbro...
A collection of Irish legends and sightings, featuring eerie ruins of castles. A moody film, very we...
Filmed over the course of a year in an "upstairs-downstairs" fashion, this fascinating program provi...
For over 100 years the Tudor dynasty ruled over England, and in that time they changed the face of t...