This extraordinary documentary is an unflinching record of the workers’ struggle during Japan’s economic rebirth in the 1980s, centered on Tokyo’s Sanya “yoseba”—a slum community dating from the 19th century where day laborers lived in terrible conditions while they sought work.
What do Italian guest-workers do when they get home, after a hard day's work on one of the many new ...
Kieslowski’s later film Dworzec (Station, 1980) portrays the atmosphere at Central Station in Warsaw...
A description of the work of a research director of a United Steel Workers Union in Canada. The pain...
In suburban Buenos Aires, thirty unemployed ceramics workers walk into their idle factory, roll out ...
After losing his job during lockdown, Natan signs up to a microtask website. Having become a “Turker...
Documents the conflicts and tensions that arise between highland migrants and Mosetenes, members of ...
Filmed in the Inner Mongolian portion of the Gobi Desert, this film follows a group of oil field wor...
In the late 1960s and early 1970s, girls aged 12 to 16 began working at Pyeonghwa Market. Running se...
Tribute to the workers responsible for maintaining and repairing the tracks, stations, terminals, an...
World War II created a huge demand for American farm products. But the war also caused vast numbers ...
Railroad of Hope consists of interviews and footage collected over three days by Ning Ying of migran...
Man-pulled rickshaw, which have served Kolkata for over eight decades face virtual extinction as a r...
Every December to January, almost a hundred squid fishing boats from Ch'ien-chen Fishing Harbor in K...
Behind the scenes of a popular deli on New York's Upper East Side, undocumented immigrant workers fa...
How Finnish immigrants came into contact — and conflict — with industrial America. Three generations...
When workers at the Hormel meatpacking plant in Austin, Minnesota are asked to take a substantial pa...
In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa’s biggest platinum mines began a wildcat strike f...
After the waning of the protests in Sanrizuka, Ogawa Pro started questioning the future of the colle...
This film documents the coal miners' strike against the Brookside Mine of the Eastover Mining Compan...
In a village in Belgium, the earth opens up, letting out the voice of a man, a stone worker. His fin...