Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
A mother, enduringly traumatized by the disappearance of her three-year old daughter 15 years ago, h...
Kanae's husband disappeared without a trace while on a union trip. Though usually headstrong and ind...
Salma Zidane, a widow, lives simply from her grove of lemon trees in the West Bank's occupied territ...
A man fakes his own suicide in order to see how his close ones react.
A career officer and his wife work with a police detective to uncover the truth behind their son's d...
Young Frenchwoman Mathilde searches for the truth about her missing fiancé, lost during World War I,...
When her husband goes missing at the beach, a female professor begins to mentally disintegrate as he...
A working single mother comes home one day to find that her daughter and the nanny have disappeared ...
Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined...
The young teacher Marelle goes in search of her husband who mysteriously disappeared while attending...
After a phone call from his ex-girlfriend, teenage loner Brendan Frye learns that her dead body was ...
Plagued with grief over the murder of her daughter, Valerie Somers suspects that her husband John is...
A man receives a mysterious e-mail appearing to be from his wife, who was murdered years earlier. As...
Set in the future: Two men learn that a mysterious winged girl has been taken prisoner, and then dec...
The beautiful wife of a geologist frantically searches for her missing husband and is haunted by a m...
After a top-secret experiment misfires, a scientist may be the only man left alive in the world.
An Israeli film director interviews fellow veterans of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon to reconstruct h...
A look at the life of legendary American pilot Amelia Earhart, who disappeared while flying over the...
Born in Brooklyn to Palestinian refugee parents, Soraya decides to journey to the country of her anc...
An 11-year-old boy who suffers from the consequences of a traumatic event goes in search of his fath...