The film follows the relationship between a mother and her son. In 1945, the mother played by Sayuri Yoshinaga fled with her two sons from the Russians to Hokkaido. In 1972, her son played by Masato Sakai returns to Japan after finding success in the U.S.
A group of bored teenagers rebel against authority in the community of New Granada.
Hamlet returns home from drama school in United States, after the cold-blooded assassination of her ...
Set in 1970s Rome, the fiction tracks the plight of a nuclear family, consisting of an unhappy marri...
Set in the 1960s, a young photographer becomes obsessed photographing a grieving man - the man that ...
In the late 1960s, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson stops touring, produces "Pet Sounds" and begins to l...
Brooklyn teenager Jeffrey Willis, thoroughly unhappy with his modest homestead, embraces the other-w...
Kenneth Bianchi is a security guard whose attempts to become a police officer are repeatedly thwarte...
David Wiseman is eleven years old and mad about cricket. He has all the kit but none of the skill. W...
During a long, hot summer in seventies London, young neighbors Holly and Marina make a childhood pac...
The story of Elliot Tiber and his family, who inadvertently played a pivotal role in making the fame...
March 1965. In the heat of the Cold War, the USA and the USSR are competing for supremacy in space. ...
A very impoverished man wanders the cold and hostile city looking for cigarette butts. After being h...
The 1978 kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, president of the most important political party in Ital...
At 13 years old and the eldest of three kids, Lane struggles to keep her family together as her icon...
Two brothers cannot overcome their opposite perceptions of life. One brother sees and feels bad in e...
A man and a woman meet in the ruins of post-war Poland. With vastly different backgrounds and temper...
1961. In Kapuivik, an Inuit man named Noah Piugattuk and his compatriots are visited by a white man ...
Owerri, 1967, on the brink of the Biafran Civil War. Lolo, Nne Chukwu and Udo are grieving the loss ...
During the marijuana bonanza, a violent decade that saw the origins of drug trafficking in Colombia,...
Based on the myth of Icarus, in 1968, a boy attempts to pave a better future for himself by building...