"El Rati Horror Show" is a documentary that portrays the dramatic story of Fernando Ariel Carrera, the case of an ordinary man wrongly sentenced to thirty years in prison - not by mistake but deliberately - through the manipulation of a judicial case in Argentina. The film takes as its central point the way in which Fernando Carrera's case was fabricated: the manipulation and alteration of evidence at the scene of the crime; the manipulation of all national media by Rubén Maugeri, key witness to the events and president of the Association of Friends of Commissary 34. On the other hand, it shows how Fernando Carrera leads his daily life in prison.
In this brand new episode, master illusionist and showman Derren Brown plans to pull off the perfect...
Undercover reporter Mark Daly reveals racism among police recruits in Manchester, England.
Young Kids Hard Time explores the story of young children sentenced to adult prison for decades, thr...
Documentary about the magnitude and severity of domestic violence. This film features four women imp...
Based on Lee Smith's book of the same name, this documentary follows the story of the biggest politi...
Nearly 10,000 children in Britain visit a parent in prison every week, BAFTA-nominated filmmaker Cat...
This documentary about serial killers and FBI Behavioral Sciences profilers features interviews with...
Year after year hundreds of thousands of fans line the route of the Tour de France, cheering on thei...
Turn off the alarms and throw away the keys as these two comics set the inmates of Arizona State Pri...
We think we know what ethnic profiling is, but what does it feel like? Dutch citizens report on at t...
Law professor Chris Gallivan examines the career of one of our country's best defence lawyers, Greg ...
Set as an experiment in a simulated cell in Oslo, three former political prisoners are locked up for...
The Police Tapes is a 1977 documentary about a New York City police precinct in the South Bronx. The...
After decades behind bars, three men set out to prove success can lie on the other side of tragedy. ...
Pete and Toshi Seeger, their son Daniel, and folklorist Bruce Jackson visited a Texas prison in Hunt...
This documentary examines the media's coverage of the Canadian federal election of May 1979. Filmed ...
Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about the...
The Nature of the Beast explores the life and case of a woman, Bonnie Jean Foreshaw, who was subject...