The story unfolds in the winter of the year 1215. A mysterious stranger who has escaped from prison arrives in a tiny, remote village in the kingdom of France plagued by famine and leprosy, and ruled by an ageing lord, a former hero from the Crusades, Lord Ocam. Together with his horde of knights, Ocam abducts a young girl from the village in order to exert his droit du seigneur over her. A handful of villagers, backed up by The Stranger, attempt to release her, but they only have until nightfall…
A historic drama with musical Bollywood scenes. Kabul in the early 90s. Soviet values rule the count...
The 14th of June 1941, Soviet-occupied Latvia: Without warning, the authorities break into the house...
Jeremy Clarkson tells the dramatic story of the Arctic convoys of the Second World War, from Russia ...
Based upon the true story of Olga Benário, the German-born wife of Brazilian communist leader Luís C...
The incredible true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger, a U.S. Air Force Pararescueme...
The film mainly follows the famous 1597 Battle of Myeongryang during the Japanese invasion of Korea ...
Ginga is a simple—yet energetic—country girl, living with her father far from the capital city of th...
Accused of the genocide of Mayan people, retired general Enrique is trapped in his mansion by massiv...
Williams BMW employed the youngest ever British driver, twenty-year-old Jenson Button, big cats Jagu...
TAITA BOVES chronicles a thirst for revenge that devastated a country. It tells the true story of Jo...
Celebrating the splendor and grandeur of the great cinemas of the United States, built when movies w...
The life of Moses as told through the Book of Exodus, the imagination of a dying boy, and the ballad...
When Juliet Capulet (of Shakespearean fame) is plucked from death and turned into a vampire, she is ...
In the early 1900s, a wealthy alchemist, Jacques St. Germaine travels to New Orleans to seek help fr...
In the beginning of the Second World War, Germans, Austrians and persons without nationality living ...
Close-up to a man who censored films during the military dictatorship in Argentina, slightly inspire...
Thyagaraja was a famous composer in South India. This is his story.
Covering over 100 years of cinema, this is a journey of discovering and exploring the magic of cinem...
Based on Érico Verissimo's literary trilogy, Time and the Wind follows 150 years of the Terra Cambar...