"THE DVD" is a 90-minute documentary following the rise of the Australian metal-core juggernauts Parkway Drive. The film follows the quintet from humble beginnings on the beaches of the NSW North Coast to storming stages all over the world. Part documentary, part extreme-sports video, part live footage...all metal! As an added bonus, the disc also features a full live set shot at Sydney’s Roundhouse in 2008.
Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into...
A true-life tale of the Great American Dream, this movie showcases one man's rise from the streets o...
Fontaines D.C. perform A Hero’s Death in its entirety, for the first time. Captured in 2FM Radio’s s...
The special captures the award-winning country-music legend while performing the first live concert ...
A biography on the life of Christina Aguilera.
Arturo Urbiola, independent singer/songwriter, talks about the influence music has had on his life, ...
Totally Stripped is a newly revised version of the documentary that was originally made to coincide ...
In the number 46A from the Bica do Sapato Street in Santa Apolónia, is HAUS, a musical all-rounder w...
On 10th and 11th August 1996, 250,000 young music fans converged on Knebworth Park to see Oasis play...
On 10th and 11th August 1996, 250,000 young music fans converged on Knebworth Park to see Oasis play...
Born in New York in 1949, Elliott Murphy becomes one of the new Dylans in the '70s; most critics fro...
Intimate and Live was the fourth concert tour by Australian pop singer Kylie Minogue in support of h...
Stone & Steel tells the story of the band’s transition from the studio back to the stage.