A woman with a troubled past embarks on a journey to deliver a message from the grieving families of fishermen lost at sea five years ago, at their last known location in the Gulf of Mexico. Her odyssey becomes one of personal redemption.
Belgian filmmaker Eric Pauwels' meditation on dream, travel and film.
Deep Blue is a major documentary feature film shot by the BBC Natural History Unit. An epic cinemati...
On December 4, 1872, the unmanned Mary Celeste was found adrift in the Atlantic with its cargo fully...
Jeremy Clarkson tells the dramatic story of the Arctic convoys of the Second World War, from Russia ...
Riding Giants is story about big wave surfers who have become heroes and legends in their sport. Dir...
The Mediterranean sea is stifled by the growing amount of plastic waste and microplastics, endangeri...
The Indonesian archipelago in the Indo-Pacific Ocean comprises thousands of islands, atolls and the ...
The movie follows today’s beachcombers in Great Britain, the Netherlands, and Japan. The same endles...
Imagine a world of incredible color and beauty. Of crabs wearing jellyfish for hats. Of fish disguis...
Down Under, just a few nights after the November full moon - when water temperature and tides are ju...
Bejeweled Fishes captures the spectacular beauty of the myriad fishes inhabiting coral reefs of the ...
Yaku: water; aya: essence, blood. Yakuaya is a non-verbal documentary about the descent of water and...
A dance between moon and ocean, forests and rivers. A short film by Scott Barley, originally made fo...
Members of the American Federation of Labor, the Atlantic & Gulf Coast District of the Seafarers Int...
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of the open oce...