The Nature of the Beast explores the life and case of a woman, Bonnie Jean Foreshaw, who was subject...
"The Karma Killings," is a modern-day crime thriller mixed in with Indian mythology and class warfar...
Reflects a depressing and hopeless reality by following some of the members of "la dieciocho", the s...
Cologne is the largest city that the G.I.s will take during the war. Nazi propaganda has declared th...
'An instructional film made on behalf of the Department of Social Welfare, demonstrating a new techn...
Documentary film about the "zanja de Alsina", a long trench dug in the Argentinian Pampa in 1876 as ...
In the Bernese Alps, the Agassizhorn peak memorialises Louis Agassiz – a controversial 19th-century ...
Chez Schwartz takes us inside a year in the life of Schwartz's Deli - the unique 75-year-old landmar...
The heart of Islam beats on the Arabian Peninsula. For there lies Mecca, the holy city of the Muslim...
The essay by René Vautier, "Déjà le sang de Mai ensemençait Novembre", starts with the recapitulatio...
Examining the brutal murder of 21-year-old student Meredith Kercher in 2007.
In 2008, 23-year-old Norwegian student Martine Vik Magnussen was killed after a night out in Mayfair...
In 1910, the Pennsylvania Railroad successfully accomplished the enormous engineering feat of buildi...
The history of New York City's Apollo Theater in Harlem is given the full treatment.
This documentary by filmmaker Brian Patrick explores the history and legacy of one of the most bruta...
In 1896, Ethiopia, an African nation, largely armed with spears and knives, defeats a well-equipped ...
The life and times of Leilani Muir, the first person to file a lawsuit against the Alberta provincia...
It's 1974. Muhammad Ali is 32 and thought by many to be past his prime. George Foreman is ten years ...
"The Silent Alps" explores a forgotten massacre that is widely unknown in the modern era, the histor...
Florida, 1994. Artist Mike Diana is convicted on an obscenity charge in the wake of an undercover po...