In the second installment of the “Essentials of Dog Behavior” series, Cesar Millan builds on the foundation laid down by our understanding of dog socialization, and plunges deeper into how most unwanted behaviors can be corrected by understanding what our dogs are communicating. Do we really understand what dogs are “saying,” and if not, how can we bridge the gap between humans and dogs? Only by truly understanding how dogs communicate will we be able to fulfill our roles as Pack Leaders.
From newborn pups to working dogs to furry movie stars, cute pooches of all breeds abound in this fi...
With depth, intimacy, and humor, FLOAT! captures filmmaker Azza Cohen's magnetic grandma’s life-affi...
This documentary is dedicated to Nina Perebeyeva, a woman who operates the only private dog shelter ...
Embark on a delightful journey into the world of dogs in this documentary that reveals scientific an...
In the mountains of Costa Rica, Lya Battle gives a second chance to over 1,000 stray dogs at her san...
A dog trains for the battlefield and becomes a crucial part of the United States military. This 1945...
A short documentary following Koyote Moone and her medical and psychiatric service dog Banner. This ...
COMPANIONS deals with the love between people and dogs. It’s made up of scenes of intimacy—caresses,...
Called a maverick, a miracle-worker, and a quack, Dr. Marty Goldstein is a pioneer of integrative ve...
Wild bears that bother livestock are captured with ropes and shipped to zoos.
Uplifting tale of Staten Island woman who creates modern underground railroad and rescues 2,000 dogs...
A documentary exploring the experience of going to war with a Military Working Dog, trained to find ...
An undercover investigation of Martin Creek Kennel is carried out by the animal rights group Last Ch...
Chelsea Bledsoe and her husband Graig throw a surprise intervention for her old high school boyfrien...
The power of fostering animals in need is undeniable. Hopalong Animal Rescue, based in Oakland, CA, ...
Laika, a stray dog, was the first living being to be sent into space and thus to a certain death. A ...