This non-narrative short film examines one of the great American icons: the Louisville Slugger baseball bat. The film was conceived by its co-directors, Marlon Johnson and Dennis Scholl, along with the Louisville Orchestra's conductor, Teddy Abrams, to be screened set to a live performance by the orchestra of Claude Debussy's "Jeux".
Documentary footage of the author and his two daughters at home.
A day in the city of Berlin, which experienced an industrial boom in the 1920s, and still provides a...
A nostalgic look back on 2000 Subway Series through the lens of New York’s citizens – one year befor...
"[Hutton’s] latest urban film, New York Portrait, Chapter III, takes on a unique tone in relation to...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
Charles Dekeukeleire, then a questioning Catholic, was spurred into making this documentary on a pil...
Chapter Two represents a continuation of daily observations from the environment of Manhattan compil...
MLB Network Presents this documentary on the Oakland Athletics powerhouse teams of the 1970's, winne...
This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northe...
With one swing of a bat, Bobby Thomson became a legend. His dramatic home run on October 3, 1951, le...
Nestled between the Adirondacks and the Catskills in central New York State, the pastoral village of...
Early Balkan footage.
In April 2013, unfamiliar faces appear at the Jamsil Baseball Stadium during the opening matches bet...
Wallace Carlson walks viewers through the production of an animated short at Bray Studios.
Original Met...Hall of Fame broadcaster...Fan-favorite...Legend. Bob Murphy has made his mark with t...
Part 1 of the History of Australian Cinema series. Australian cinema from the very beginning, from t...
A unique insight into Hall of Fame pitcher Tom Seaver - a reclusive icon and his relationship with N...