This documentary follows 8 teens and pre-teens as they work their way toward the finals of the Scrip...
Sing! is a 2001 American short documentary film about the Los Angeles Children's Chorus, directed by...
A sequence of nine individual biographical sketches with a prologue and epilogue on Golzow and the l...
An elementary school in Japan begins an experimental program that frames the students' curriculum ar...
The painful personal stories of five Palestinian kids, ages 7-17, open a window into the world of Pa...
Tippi is no ordinary child. She believes that she has the gift of talking to animals and that they a...
This bicycle-safety film shows children what can happen when bicycles are driven carelessly and reck...
If We Knew is a documentary about paediatricians in an intensive-care unit for newborns. A film abou...
Genuine connections between children and nature can revolutionize our future. But is this discovery ...
In the vast expanse of desert East of Atlas Mountains in Morocco, seasonal rain and snow once suppor...
This short film is a series of vignettes of life in Saint-Henri, a Montreal working-class district, ...
Follows five autistic children as they work together to create and perform a live musical production...
Albert Fish, the horrific true story of elderly cannibal, sadomasochist, and serial killer, who lure...
A portrait of Highlights Magazine following the creation of the cultural phenomenon's 70th Anniversa...
Whitwell, TN is a small, rural community of less than two thousand people nestled in the mountains o...
Three film-makers travel to Iraq to film the ongoing crisis in which ISIS forces are trying to take ...
Children get ready to start the first grade. They start learning the first letters.
Gurdeep is a thirteen-year-old Canadian Sikh whose family runs a dairy farm near Chilliwack, British...
Documentarians Justine Shapiro and B.Z. Goldberg traveled to Israel to interview Palestinian and Isr...