Alexis, Sylvia and Ellen are a trio of legendary scream queens. After the head of a motion picture s...
At birth, three children are abandoned in a convent. They are Polito Sol and his siblings, Adriana a...
This story shows the two different parts of acting. The father is a strong, ambitious and inconsider...
Christopher Gill is a psychotic killer who uses various disguises to trick and strangle his victims....
Actress Stéphanie Grumet is about to make her comeback after a six-year hiatus. Her husband, promine...
The ups and downs in the lives and careers of a group of ambitious young actresses and show girls fr...
Julian Marsh is an out of work ladies' man who lands a job directing a bizarre adaptation of Hamlet....
In this filmed version of cult film director John Waters' popular one-man show, the Pink Flamingos a...
A young woman who wants to break into the theater schemes to become the protege of a famous Broadway...
In pre-war Japan, a government censor tries to make the writer for a theater troupe alter his comedi...