Outlines the history of 40 years of the skinhead subculture, beginning with the most recent versions...
In the heart of Sicily, where the Mafia still rules, one man and his family-run TV station, has beco...
In the late-80s and early-90s, two prosecutors went after the mob in Sicily. Archival footage, grues...
House of the Wickedest Man in the World is the story of a ruined building near the city of Cefalú in...
Eighteen year old Irma Testa is Italy’s first female boxer to make it to the Olympics. It’s a remark...
Set against the backdrop of 'the beautiful game', Black and White Stripes tells the epic story of It...
Examining the brutal murder of 21-year-old student Meredith Kercher in 2007.
The memory of Piero Portaluppi, a Milanese architect who reached the peak of his fame during the 20 ...
This gripping, atmospheric documentary recounts the infamous trial, conviction and eventual acquitta...
A documentary in which Luca Ragazzi and Gustav Hofer research the origins of sexism in the west and ...
In the absence of any physical connection, this short explores alternative forms of contact among ne...
After the World War I, Mussolini's perspective on life is severely altered; once a willful socialist...
The film follows Vincent Schiavelli as he returns to Polizzi Generosa, the very town in Sicily his g...
A powerful depiction of war in infamous global conflict zones. Directed by Oscar/Emmy documentary ma...
A post millennial journey to Italy before the coronavirus outbreak. While encountering various faces...