Traces the lives of the Hartings, a blind Montreal family of three who make their living singing in the city's subway stations. The Hartings lost their only sighted child Hassan in a tragic drowning accident, and have since turned to the teachings of Russian mystic Grigori Grabovoi, hoping to resurrect their son. Resurrecting Hassan is an exploration of this family's legacy of grief, tragedy and abuse; the film will follow them on their path to redemption.
The experimental animated film Song of the Flies (El Canto de las Moscas), translates the desolation...
Eneida, 83 years old, makes a journey into her past, in search of her firstborn daughter, whom she h...
Twelve years after they went to school together, six children from Berlin with and without disabilit...
Interviews and discussions about children in naturism.
Buzz One Four chronicles the ill-fated flight of a Cold War B-52 Stratofortress loaded with two 3-4-...
Roadsworth: Crossing the Line details a Montreal stencil artist's clandestine campaign to make his m...
Chez Schwartz takes us inside a year in the life of Schwartz's Deli - the unique 75-year-old landmar...
A silent succession of black-and-white photographs of the city of Montreal.
Some members of the Al-Mawad family (of Palestinian origin) visit their relatives in the town of Kfa...
A documentary featuring internationally renowned photographer Toni Hafkenscheid as he explores hidde...
In the heart of the Boreal forest lives a family renowned as much for their gourmet forest pickings ...
An uplifting insight into the lives of seven-year-old conjoined twins, who weren’t expected to live ...
A documentary about a 78-year-old Indian woman in New York who is the world's most passionate theate...
As the healthcare system in Venezuela comes crashing down and millions of people flee the country, a...
Young Chinese-Canadian Susan Yee gives a tour of Montreal.