Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy sequel continues the story of Kotoko, a bubbly and cheerful girl and her crush, the handsome and aloof Naoki, as they enter the same university. Although they are in separate majors, Kotoko is determined to spend as much time with Naoki as possible and joins the tennis club with him, but all that awaits her is severe training and a love rival.
In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, a young samurai finds work however ...
Satsuki, a high school student living in the countryside, travels to Tokyo to find out the truth abo...
In ancient Rome, bathhouse architect Lucius (Hiroshi Abe) becomes famous with designing the original...
Middle-aged man Ken Kamoshida is a fortune teller and his life revolves around superstitions. Since ...
Movie based on the 1985 TV anime.
Nozomi is a former actress who moves back to Japan from New Zealand. Upon arriving, she meets her fe...
A quiet teen's life is shaken up when she's forced to be her arrogant neighbor's slave. He loves her...
As children, the introverted Smile was being bullied by a gang of kids until the brash Peco comes by...
Genji and his victorious G.P.S. alliance find themselves facing down a new challenge by the students...
Story follows high school student Saki Miyanaga and her classmates as they become absorbed in the ga...
A girl named Olga is pursued by both the World Government and a man named Mad Treasure, as she is th...
What would have happened if the Shiroyasha never existed? Edo is thrown to chaos by a mysterious ca...
Arata Kaizaki is 27-years-old and unemployed. He quit his prior job after working for the company fo...
Ever since coming across the world of boy’s rhythmic gymnastics during the last summer of junior-hig...
The most notorious househusband in history appears!! The sinister yakuza who left behind many legend...
Foiled repeatedly by the predictions of Interpol's supercomputer, Lupin has settled down. His partn...
Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent ye...
Kotoko has long dreamed of the day when she is able to be together with Naoki. But when his father’s...
Murakami Naoki is the most intelligent student at his high school, but he can't stop obsessing over ...
While everyone thinks that Momo is a wild party girl, the reality is that she is shy and lonely. Can...