In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they're all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they - and you - will never forget!
This Christmas film, created as a special for television broadcast throughout the Philadelphia, Penn...
A documentary following the civil rights movement and how the media, in particular the burgeoning TV...
The Grinch decides to rob Whoville of Christmas - but a dash of kindness from little Cindy Lou Who a...
Moomintroll is heading home to Moominmamma with milk. On the way there, he meets Mymble looking for ...
During a rainy day, and while their mother is out, Conrad and Sally, and their pet fish, are visited...
That bionic bonehead is off to the North Pole to stop Dr. Claw from taking over Santa's elves and wo...
For the first time in forever, Disney Cruise Line shared full video of Frozen, A Musical Spectacular...
Carlin returns to the stage in his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatr...
The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animati...
Joni attended as various musicians paid tribute to her and her music. Among the performers were Cynd...
An American family moves in to the Canterville Chase, a London mansion that has been haunted by ghos...
A TV Land special reuniting the living cast members of The Brady Bunch who share their recollections...
George Carlin changes his act by bringing politics into the act, but also talks about the People he ...
Celebrities re-create an original episode each from "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons."
Steve Martin's fourth NBC special was in the spirit of his previous association with Saturday Night ...
Horton the elephant agrees to watch over lazy Maisie bird's egg while she vacations. Much later, aft...
Young Bart Collins lives with his widowed mother Heloise. The major blight on Bart's existence is th...
George Carlin is in top form with these stand-up recorded at the Beverly Theater in Los Angeles in 1...
Young Jim Hawkins finds himself serving with pirate captain Long John Silver in search of a buccanee...