Walter Lee Younger is a young man struggling with his station in life. Sharing a tiny apartment with...
In this Chinese version of The Phantom of the Opera, the mysterious Song Danping terrorizes the newl...
Set in modern upper-crust Manhattan, an exploration of love and commitment as seen through the eyes ...
On Christmas Eve, 1944, in Nazi-occupied Slovakia, the Kubiš family grapples with survival amidst br...
Based on a popular stage musical comedy by Károly Bakonyi and Andor Gábor, the film tells the story ...
One lazy afternoon in the outskirts of the city, two women's worlds colide when they turn a casual c...
Carny con artist and snake-oil salesman Eustace McGargle tries to stay one step ahead of the sheriff...
In this fast-paced remake of the Maurice Chevalier vehicle Folies Bergère, talented Danny Kaye plays...
Mismatched travellers are stranded overnight at a lonely rural railway station. They soon learn of l...
Early 20th century England: while toasting his daughter Catherine's engagement, Arthur Winslow learn...