An engrossing spectacle set in the 4th-century BC, in which Alexander of Greece leads his troops for...
An historical film that follows the life of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian king that united all...
Michael Wood travels through Syria and Iraq to uncover the story of Alexander the Great's decisive b...
The film is a historical story, based on the 3rd century BC Maurya Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and h...
Alexander, a student of the brilliant philosopher Aristotle, worshiped the god Amun which he believe...
Motivated by a deep-seated love for his city, a burgeoning filmmaker has produced a short film celeb...
Visionary warrior, ambitious youth, angry son, ruthless conqueror. Such words have been used to desc...
Prince Alexander, son of King Philip, and heir to the Macedonian empire, must fend off political sab...
Friends, contemporaries and even enemies of Alexander the Great gather in a tent to tell his tale th...
Bettany Hughes goes in search of this lost civilisation, revealing the story of a city founded out o...
Alexander, the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeatin...
Deep in the mind of Steven Colin (Daniel Bernhardt) the secret of an ancient martial arts power lay ...
The coming of age of young Alexander, future world conqueror, from his boyhood in Greece to his assu...
An intriguing story about a girl with a lot of problems and three men trying to make a film.
Off the coast of the volcanic island of Santorini, the intrepid archaeologist Lara Croft makes the u...
In an honest ride thorough the history of psychiatry, from blood letting, induced epilepsy, electros...
Despite the increasing number of people entering the field of documentary filmmaking, historical sub...
An insight into the life and works of Michel Foucault and how his work on Knowledge and Power still ...
Television movie that consists of two episodes from the UK TV series Journey to the Unknown (1968): ...