In 1973 a horror movie titled The Legend of Boggy Creek was released. Focusing on a series of bizarre events that took place around the town of Fouke, Arkansas, the film was an instant success. But what was the reality behind the "Fouke Monster"? Boggy Creek Monster takes you where no film has gone: in search of the truth behind the legend...
Based on the true events that occurred in the Appalachian Mountains, Mountain Devil recounts the fri...
Delving into the existence of Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, considered one of the most mysteriou...
The Crypto Crew team uncover and document evidence of the elusive legend known as Bigfoot. Follow al...
A horrific triple child murder leads to an indictment and trial of three nonconformist boys based on...
Revisiting the 1994 Arkansas murder of three 8-year-old boys and the three teenagers convicted of th...
In 1976 a book was published titled "The Creature" that swept over Bigfoot enthusiasts and researche...
Sabattus is an old town and like any old town it has its history of inhabitants, tragedy, and confli...
This fun and informative documentary examines and attempts to validate some of the most outrageous t...
A documentary that explores the legends, tales, and possible reality of the hairy monsters that are ...
A new documentary about strange phenonema and creature sightings around North and East Yorkshire in ...
Suzanne's life was turned upside down when a Bigfoot ran across the road in front of her one night. ...
Through the experiences of two amateur Bigfoot researchers in Appalachian Ohio, we see how the power...
People go and search for the legendary Bigfoot creature.
In this latest installment of Bigfoot Beyond the Trail, Aleks takes a deep dive into the stories of ...
A journey to the heartland of the Midwest for an in-depth look at an ongoing phenomenon: one of the ...
Cryptozoologists journey into the forests of Kentucky to gather evidence of a canine/human hybrid.
While out walking his dog, Jason Morse had a visual sighting of a large bipedal creature in the New ...
As police and DEA agents battle sophisticated cartels, rural, economically-disadvantaged users and d...
The Kiamichi beast Oklahoma's is a 200-year-old legend, that is real.
In 1959, the mutilated bodies of nine hikers were found in the Ural Mountains. Fifty years on, specu...