In a parallel universe inhabited by humans with evolved intelligence, a tyrant named Morton rules over everything. A lone soldier escapes from that dimension and arrives at ours, protecting it from invasion for centuries. He realizes his power is waning - and that the otherworldly invasion is about to begin again...
A girl who has a life she doesn't want, with no family present and no friends, receives a birthday p...
Troy Baker in a attempt to escape the pressures of his everyday life, finds himself in a unearthly ...
Flatland is a two-dimensional universe occupied by living geometric figures - squares, triangles, ci...
On the verge of completing her final mission, a hard as nails commando finds herself losing team mem...
In the final days of World War II, the Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause. Th...
Detached life of two young strangers is interrupted when they are transported to an unknown dimensio...
A feature length documentary shot in Iceland on mediums and the relationship between humans and invi...
A family discovers that dark spirits have invaded their home after their son inexplicably falls into...
A murderer in the middle of a killing spree enlists a reporter to interview him as he prepares to fi...
A group of friends decide to hold a séance on Halloween, unaware of the terror waiting to be unleash...
Set within the far reaches of space, Alien: Transmission finds Jo Denton fighting for the life of he...
In the near future,the world has suffered a terrible destruction. Through the wreckage, a man tries ...
In this completely TARDIS-based story, the crew find themselves and their ship acting very strangely...
A UFO expert, a local sheriff, and an FBI agent are forced to team up with an alien warrior to track...
The TARDIS crew lands in the Himalayas of Cathay in 1289, their ship badly damaged, and are picked u...
The Doctor is summoned by the mysterious and powerful White Guardian, and sent on a quest to find th...
Documentary charting the rise of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy from its original guise as a r...