Set in 1973 Spain, a struggling encyclopedia salesman and his wife take advantage of an offer to mak...
The story revolves around the revenge that three girls, raped when they were younger, pretend to per...
Gene works for the local underworld syndicate but always treats his abductees with kindness. He begi...
In the 26th century the inhabitants of Utopia have so lost their individuality, which varies in numb...
On a Tuesday night, five couples have separate sexual adventures. Matt and Kris, friends for years, ...
Giulia is an independent young woman who is prepared to offer her body and her spirit against all th...
A beautiful young ballet dancer is accepted into a prestigious and exclusive dance academy. Overjoye...
After the death of the paranoid emperor Tiberius, Caligula, his heir, seizes power and plunges the e...
Day in and day out, lovers Cynthia and Evelyn enact an elaborate sadomasochistic fantasy as mistress...
Jackie and Ben move into a luxurious new home in the affluent neighborhood of Verdana Hills. They ar...
Paul, the owner of a topless go-go bar on the Sunset Strip, isn't having a good day. His girlfriend,...
Michelle De Winter lives the good life, wining and dining with only the richest men who are fortunat...
A young designer falls under a man's erotic spell and is drawn into a world of sexual abandon from w...
Sarah Asproon returns to New Orleans to act as executrix of the estate of a millionaire whom she was...
In order to bring a police commissioner under control, the criminal group that controls a notorious ...
The film is a cheesy but sincere plea for proper sex education--and against illegal abortion.
To help with an upcoming election, a bookstore clerk is indicted for selling obscene material. The d...