In this documentary a diverse collection of women share successes and aspirations in their chosen fi...
Concerning Violence is based on newly discovered, powerful archival material documenting the most da...
The memory of Piero Portaluppi, a Milanese architect who reached the peak of his fame during the 20 ...
Take a uniquely Latina view of life in the United States in this no-holds-barred 10th installment in...
In the West, we are often bombarded with dramatic and horrifying images of a violent and war-torn Ir...
On January 10th, the investigative editorial team of CORRECTIV published research into a secret meet...
Fighters is a portrait of the current realities of both the urban and rural Mexican woman. Filmed in...
A taxi drives through the city of Berlin. Its driver is a punk, left and a well-known figure in the ...
Not just another documentary on the French resistance movement, this film focuses on one particular ...
When terrorists shattered their lives, two women set off on an extraordinary journey to rebuild them...
Leftist extremist groups operating in Europe have chosen violence as a political tactic: they attack...
1999 documentary film, first broadcast in daily half-hour installments, about the November 1999 prot...
In this filmic comment on Fascist ideology - which uses footage from the recently discovered archive...
Eight women on the margins of Israeli society are thrown together during the course of a school year...
They are four of the most successful businesswomen in China: Belonging to a generation who experienc...
Six people, one room, one night, one game, a lot of sensuality and much to discover. A Film that sho...
The unique testimony of the tragic events and crimes of russia through the eyes of Ukrainians, which...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...