Rolland, a 70 year-old man, exiled by his family due to his sexual orientation, makes peace with the...
Animation pioneer Evelyn Lambart recalls arriving at the NFB in the 1940s, her celebrated collaborat...
In Bern, Madame Mercedes has been working for 35 years in her car as a prostitute. An intimate and s...
Annedore takes care of orphan birds. They give her that which humans througout her turbulent life co...
Since her debut at the age of 18, musician, civil rights campaigner and activist Joan Baez has been ...
Interview with Jarl Kulle cut together with a summary of his career.
An in-depth look at the life and career of Bruce Willis, featuring never-before-seen photos and vide...
When the world was on fire, they called Hans Blix. This is how the Swedish diplomat is introduced in...
Heroine of the Halloween film series, or accomplice in a crazy scam in A Fish Called Wanda, Jamie Le...
Sigrid Koetse, award-winning actor and grande dame of Dutch theater, lived most of her life in the p...
he life story of Michael Chambers aka "Boogaloo Shrimp: the dancer, actor, singer, comedian and mast...
In 2024, Abdelkrim Baba Aissa, aged 75, engages in a series of filmed interviews with Algerian journ...
A documentary about the aging prima ballerina Balasaraswati (popularly known as "Bala"), the most fa...