Set in a small town in the region of Tamil Nadu, in southern India, the film follows the days and works of a hijra family. Silky, Mahima, Trisha, Durga, Kuyili, Priyanka, Vasundhara and Yamuna, under the firm protection of their guru Lakshmi Ma, deliver snippets of their marginal but sovereign existence. From a millenia-old sacred tradition to getting by every second, "Guru" composes with them a poem of intertwined voices in which the world is a tough playground, where the third gender is primarily the resistance force of a life shared.
A documentary that shows a body in social and family isolation, but the distance is not caused by th...
Documentary on the construction of Chandigarh, the new capital of the Indian Punjab region, planned ...
Once facing extinction, Asia's last wild lions live dangerously close to India's villages.
Wheel of Time is Werner Herzog's photographed look at the largest Buddhist ritual in Bodh Gaya, Indi...
A documentary on transidentity, accessible to all, with 10 trans people (including one of the direct...
Rumer Godden the 88 year old author is taken back to India, where she lived from 1908-1945 to revisi...
Man-pulled rickshaw, which have served Kolkata for over eight decades face virtual extinction as a r...
In the spotlight of global media coverage, the first transgender woman ever to perform as Don Giovan...
The Real Story of Fake Democracy. Filmed over three years in five countries, FREEDOM FOR THE WOLF i...
Filmmaker Kimberly Reed returns home for her high school reunion, ready to reintroduce herself to th...
An unprecedented UHD film on Karnataka's rich biodiversity narrated by David Attenborough. Portrayin...
A Suitable Girl follows three young women in India struggling to maintain their identities and follo...
"The Search for the Meaning" is a collective experience, carried out with the audiovisual contributi...
A truly major work, I Don’t Know observes the relationship between a lesbian and a transgender perso...
Seven transgender and gender nonconforming individuals share their unique experiences with Silas How...
A film about memory, identity and the overwhelming power of love. One-year-old Devi was found starvi...
What's it like starting a family when you're both transgender? This intimate film follows Hannah and...
Tailor is a transgender cartoonist that shares in his web page other trans people’s experiences and ...
Transgender Parents takes the conversation about parenting and transsexuality to the next level: Som...
What does it mean to be transgender? How did the trans rights movement come about? What progress has...