In this stop-motion animated holiday short, the Predator tangles with his most formidable foes yet –...
A cautionary tale about what happens to men who underestimate women in the horror genre.
The man only known as the Stalker, is looking for the Hamilton's, and is willing to kill anyone who ...
Chris intends to leave the village where he lives, aware that he will have to face Those We Don't Sp...
Three criminals pledge to free the soul of their friend from his gibbeted corpse in this short film ...
Short film based on a "two-line horror story" found on the internet.
An experimental short film inspired by the struggle it takes to accomplish one‘s goals. (ALTER)
Ten years after the dissolution of her legendary band Wattmarck, engineer and musician Karin Steckhe...
In this horror-comedy short, a remake with an original twist of Hideo Nakata's "RINGU", two drag que...
Longtime friends Raemee, Maggie and Lee come together for an annual Halloween hang-out at Lee’s hous...
Sometimes you're caught in the moment. Sometime you're just caught!
The incommunicability of today's young people through disturbing and decadent sounds.
A man squares off against a demonic entity in regional Western Australia.
Difficult customer Karen gets more than she bargained for when she orders an intimate object from a ...
A young woman’s fiercest self takes over to fight for her life when she’s attacked in this taut thri...
A mother battles with her son's fear of a monster lurking in the closet, but soon discovers a sinist...
A sleeping apartment of a friend who retires for the night. The rays of the moon are shining upon th...
A seemingly harmless party game leads to a horrifying spiral into madness, violence, and cosmic horr...