Bots High is an exciting documentary following the adventures of three high school robotics teams ba...
Comedian, actor, author, director and emblematic figure of the French stage and cinema of the 50s an...
Abdelkader ibn Muhieddine (Arabic: عبد القادر بن محي الدين (ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn Muḥyiddīn), also known...
The documentary, born in collaboration with the Italian Alpine Club, talks about a mountain guide an...
2006 was one of the deadliest Everest seasons on record. Experienced mountaineer Lincoln Hall was in...
Sometimes reduced to the image of a cursed artist, Amedeo Modigliani, an admirer of the masters of t...
Recounting the absurd and paradoxical history of Colombia's thirty-year struggle with international ...
A documentary that takes an in depth look at a government sanctioned art school in Cuba and its stud...
In 1996, after seven days of extremely difficult ascent, Vanja Furlan and Tomaž Humar managed to rea...
While Rodman is no doubt one of the greatest talents in NBA history, he is just as famous for his of...
This documentary follows the feats of high-altitude climber Jerzy Kukuczka and his ascent to higher ...
A Montana bounty hunter is sent into the wilderness to track three escaped prisoners. Instead he see...
Set against the backdrop of the late 1800s, Bub Meek helplessly watches his best friend rise to infa...
The incredible story of the mythical Russian-American actor and filmmaker Yul Brynner (1920-85), the...
Lionel Rose, Australia's first Aboriginal world champion boxing hero - the man behind the myth
A documentary about the classic 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' film, including interviews with Gunnar Han...
Daniel Johnston stars in this psychedelic short film about an aging musician coming to terms with th...
Biopic-style cocumentary about Canadian pop sensation Justin Bieber. The programme takes a look at t...