The story focuses on the 16-year-old Protagonist after he is transferred to Shujin High School in Tokyo. Staying with friends of his parents, he meets up with two fellow students, problem child Ryuuji Sakamoto and withdrawn Anne Takamaki, and a talking, shape-shifting cat-like creature known as Morgana. During his time there, feeling suppressed by their environment, the four form a group known as the "Phantom Thieves," working together to carry out heists and encountering mysterious phenomena along the way.
In the year 2403 AD, a young student named Satoru is visited by a time traveler from the future, a c...
It is the early 1930s and the command of the Japanese Imperial Navy determines to construct the worl...
Pikachu and its Pokémon friends gather for a very special event: the Mythical Pokémon Meloetta is gi...
The all female crew of the transport ship Muse is on a mission in deep space. They pick up an SOS si...
Ashram, desperate to find a home for his people, is tricked into selling his soul. 300 years later, ...
Foiled repeatedly by the predictions of Interpol's supercomputer, Lupin has settled down. His partn...
Released to commemorate Kamen Rider 555's 20th anniversary, the film takes place after the ending of...
The new guy in a Los Angeles high school, Morgan, does some singing and fights hotshot Nick over dis...
Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent ye...
Ever since coming across the world of boy’s rhythmic gymnastics during the last summer of junior-hig...
Meet Dee Laytner and his half-Japanese partner, Ryo McLane, a pair of detectives from New York. Not ...
Former yakuza underling Kazuma Kiryū has recently been released from prison after a lengthy incarcer...
Kaitou Kid dares to challenge the police once more, setting his sights on the Russian Imperial Easte...
A student tries to fix a problem he accidentally caused in OZ, a digital world, while pretending to ...
The wicked Badiyanu has come to capture all Earth's children to gain enough power to absorb the plan...
In this motion comic set before the events shown of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Nathan Drake is hire...
In the remote Southern Cross Island, a secret organization named The Glittering Crux plans to reacti...
A Tree of Palme is an interpretation of the Pinocchio tale. It concerns a small puppet, Palme, who w...
As Usagi and her friends enjoy Christmas vacation, an unusual and fierce snowstorm hits town... The ...
Universal Century 0087, Char Aznable has now become the leader of the AEUG. Scirocco, the man from J...