In a world where human beings and puppets live together, when the members of the cast of a children's television show aired during the 1990s begin to get murdered one by one, puppet Phil Philips, a former LAPD detective who fell in disgrace and turned into a private eye, takes on the case at the request of his old boss in order to assist detective Edwards, who was his partner in the past.
Three Italian-American brothers, living in the slums of 1940's New York City, try to help each other...
Salesman Roy Knable spends all his free time watching television, to the exasperation of his wife, H...
On Love N Oven, we break down a scenario in a relationship and make a dish perfect for the occasion.
Vine finds himself on the trail of a missing Russian spy and soon finds himself involved in a bonker...
A wild, zany spoof of American TV, complete with "on-the-spot" exposes, "remote" broadcasts, sensati...
When George Carlin is asked which HBO concert is his favorite, his answer is always, "Jammin’ In New...
Spoof documentary. Thespian Nicholas Craig looks at "one of the most ferociously demanding of all ac...
Comedy about a brilliant young brain surgeon set in an unorthodox hospital. A "Naked Gun" type come...
An aging gangster, Fernand Naudin is hoping for a quiet retirement when he suddenly inherits a fortu...
The bags belonging to a young man about to break up with his lover, two bumbling criminals planning ...
A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug...
A security leak is found at a Southern California atomic plant. The authorities stand in fear that t...
After federal agent Cleopatra Jones orders the burning of a Turkish poppy field, the notorious drug ...
Tony Rome, a tough Miami PI living on a houseboat, is hired by a local millionaire to find jewelry s...
A funny thing happened to Lurkalot, serf to Sir Coward de Custard, on the way to Custard Castle. Lur...
A group of singing, child-friendly puppets' world is shaken up when they graduate from letters and n...
When nuclear scientists are kidnapped and smuggled behind the Iron Curtain, an FBI man and a British...
After the assassination of Tokyo's Governor by Yakuza members, the CIA bureau chief (William Atherto...
Bertram Oliphant 'Bo' West wants to clear his unjustly smeared reputation, so he joins the Foreign L...
The heads of the six schools of martial arts do battle with the demon warrior Mo Kuei, but no sooner...