The "Kyodai Tenkaichi Metal Budokai" segment of BABYMETAL's 2015 World Tour showcased an unforgettable night at the prestigious Budokan arena. This event was a standout performance during their expansive international tour, illustrating the band's growing global influence and the fervent support of their fans. Su-metal, Moametal, and Yuimetal delivered an electrifying show, featuring a blend of their signature tracks like "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" and "Headbangeeeeerrrrr!!!!!" The grand scale of Budokan, coupled with the band's dynamic stage presence and the Kami Band's powerful musicianship, created a spectacle of sound and visuals. The performance not only highlighted their unique Kawaii Metal style but also solidified BABYMETAL’s stature as a major live act in the metal community.
Get Thrashed traces the rise, fall and impact of thrash metal; from its early years, through its inf...
Angels Cry 20th Anniversary Tour DVD is the second career of the Brazilian power metal band Angra. R...
BABYMETAL's performance at Summer Sonic 2013 marked a significant moment in their early career, as t...
BABYMETAL's appearance at the Inazuma Rock Festival in 2013 was a standout performance that solidifi...
Concert footage from Babymetal's April 2, 2016 show at the SSE Arena in Wembley, UK. Included songs...
BABYMETAL's "Live at Yokohama: World Tour 2015 - The Final Chapter of Trilogy" was a monumental conc...
"BABYMETAL Live at Budokan: Red Night Apocalypse " is a monumental concert that captures the sheer i...
"BABYMETAL - Live at Budokan: Black Night Apocalypse - Kuroi Yoru Legend" is a monumental concert fi...
BABYMETAL's concert at The Forum in London in 2014 marked a significant milestone in their internati...
BABYMETAL's performance at the O2 Academy Brixton in London was a monumental event that showcased th...
BABYMETAL's performance at Summer Sonic 2014 was a pivotal moment that solidified their status on th...
The "Apocrypha The Black Mass" by BABYMETAL at Tsutaya O-East was a captivating performance that res...
The "Apocrypha The Red Mass" by BABYMETAL at Tsutaya O-East was a standout event, exclusively for th...
BABYMETAL's performance at Metropolitan Rock 2015 was a standout moment that further solidified thei...
BABYMETAL's performance at Summer Sonic 2015 was a landmark event that highlighted their explosive p...
Kawaii sensation Babymetal played their first live show of 2016 on February 18 at the NHK Broadcasti...
A teenager's quest to launch Norwegian Black Metal in Oslo in the 1990s results in a very violent ou...
A live document of his winter 2019 European tour that saw him taking on possibly his most ambitious ...