During the last half-century, Cambodia has witnessed genocide, decades of war and the collapse of so...
"Take my love" is a documentary film about "Las Patronas", a group of women who daily cook, pack and...
Carla Haddad Mardini was born with bombs blasting at the worst period of the Lebanese Civil War. Sh...
When an Arizona resident is charged with three felony counts and faces a 20-year prison sentence for...
We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They...
"1985: Heroes among Ruins" is a reflection of disaster. It is about the human solidarity, the search...
John Baumhackl recalls the early days of the Vietnam War when more and more troops were being sent i...
Documentary of the S-21 genocide prison in Phnom Penh with interviews of prisoners and guards. On th...
Using home videos recorded by her voice coach, Diana takes us through the story of her life.
On May 8, 1989, Sports Illustrated ran an article about Ultimate frisbee… about a team with no name ...
A Christian relief organization is met with the challenge of fighting the Ebola epidemic in west Afr...
Narratives of Modern Genocide challenges the audience to experience first-person accounts of survivo...
Directed by Peter Casaer and narrated by Daniel Day-Lewis, this documentary provides a harrowing loo...
Bomb Hunters is an engrossing examination of the micro-economy that has emerged in Cambodia from unt...
Inside the Khmer Rouge takes an in-depth look at the history, domination, and current status of the ...
Two Dutch lawyers, Michiel Pestman and Victor Koppe, travel to Cambodia in 2011 to defend Nuon Chea ...