Tribalistas were a short-lived but popular brazilian musical trio consisting of Marisa Monte, Arnaldo Antunes and Carlinhos Brown. Their one-off collaboration resulted in the popular album Tribalistas, released in Brazil in late 2002 by EMI and in international territories in 2003. The album attained considerable popularity despite the group never performing any song on TV or giving any radio interviews. A DVD release featuring the 'making of' and all the tracks on the album was also released internationally. The song "Já Sei Namorar" was featured on the video game FIFA Football 2004 and the song "Velha Infancia" was used in a soap opera in Brazil called "Mulheres Apaixonadas" as its main theme.
Brazilian singer Rita Lee narrates moments about her life, from her childhood to the meeting with Ro...
The character Jonh Michael embarks on a journey to tell you everything about Tim Maia.
This documentary is about the artistic trajectory of Edvaldo Souza, aka Edy star, the flamboyant gay...
Dorival Caymmi was one of the inventors of the Bahian imagination. In his 94 years of life, Caymmi c...