"MTV Unplugged" presents beloved American rocker John Mellencamp. The program, which was taped in Los Angeles in April of 1992, features a medley of Mellencamp hits. Mellencamp, who was just wrapping up a worldwide concert tour at the time of the taping, was accompanied by touring band members Mike Wanchic (guitar), Kenny Aronoff (drums), Toby Myers (bass), David Grissom (guitar), John Cascella (accordion), Lisa Germano (fiddle) and Pat Peterson and Jenny Douglas-McRae (background vocals). Recorded 27 April 1992 at Warner Hollywood Studios, Los Angeles. Set List: 1. Love and Happiness; 2. Paper in Fire; 3. Check it Out; 4. Rain on the Scarecrow; 5. Jackie Brown; 6. Small Town; 7. Minutes to Memories; 8. Big Daddy of Them All; 9. Pink Houses; 10. All Along the Watchtower
2013 live release from the iconic German rockers. On September 11 and 12, 2013, the Scorpions played...
On January 28, 2014, the American artist Miley Cyrus performed in the show from Los Angeles. The sho...
Aired on July of 1997, this installment in MTV's "Unplugged" series sees the legendary Fiona Apple p...
MTV viewers get the rare opportunity to see legendary hard rockers Aerosmith perform acoustically on...
Alice In Chains returned to the stage after a three year absence with this live acoustic performance...
The AC/DC Plug Me In DVD collection brings together for the very first time an astonishing five hour...
Foo Fighters captured over their two sold-out nights at Wembley on 6th and 7th June, 2008.
Metallica Live in Nîmes, France - over 2 hours of the greatest hits live in a breathtaking Roman Col...
Recorded at Bray Studios, England before a small audience for the MTV Unplugged series, Eric Clapton...
The special record for the series Acoustic MTV meets classic in the repertoire of Gilberto Gil as "S...
Acústico MTV é um álbum de 2004 da banda brasileira Ira!. Foi o segundo projeto da banda pela MTV e ...
Live performance by brazilian singer Ivete Sangalo recorded at Salvador, Brazil, presented by MTV.
Recorded in Rio de Janeiro on September 17 and 18, 2002
Kiss Unplugged is a Kiss album featuring the group performance in MTV Unplugged. On August 9, 1995, ...
Acústico MTV é o álbum acústico da banda brasileira Capital Inicial, lançado em formato CD e DVD. El...
Acoustic concert of the singer, recorded for the MTV special. Here are readings of great successes o...
The acoustic album of the Brazilian band Charlie Brown Jr. broadcast on MTV Brazil. The album contai...