By tunneling, workers discovered a network of cavities extending under the city. While investigating this phenomenon, a journalist get lost in this mysterious maze...
Loki's Daughter is the story about Loki and how he brought dark magic to the humans to challenge god...
The Youth who harbors longging that arises after making a mistake according to himself
A story about a boy named Ahura and his mysterious past, which when his friends enter, that buried p...
Diane the Zebra Woman follows four women’s misadventures through the streets of New York City in 196...
A couple descends through a forest in the surroundings of Valparaíso. Suddenly, old ghosts begin to ...
Follow the path of the secret window, get confused by the rhythm of the trees. During the story of t...
In 1985, a fuzzy feature was perceived in the skies of Viña del Mar, Chile. The radio amateurs went ...
After having contemplated the final scene and the credits of the movie “Your light disappears”, a ma...
Chris intends to leave the village where he lives, aware that he will have to face Those We Don't Sp...
Waking fear tells the story of a man suffering from reoccurring nightmares of death and mystery. But...
Some people are expendable. Some people are cautionary tales. Synopsis: A teen's retelling of his p...
In this gripping sequel to ‘Dolly Gets Fried’ (2020), Dolly intercepts the TV signal to reveal some ...
A young Dutch boy goes on a boy's night out with his friends in Amsterdam for a night of sex,drugs a...
As they penetrate deeper into the darkness of the forrest, a group of hunters guided by a wolf is ge...
Three schoolgirls get more than they bargained for when attempting to communicate with the dead.
In a horror twist on a classic fairytale, struggling art student Frankie is amazed when one morning ...
After a deadly car accident, a boy finds himself trapped in a sinister hospital and begins to wonder...
Elias and Nora discover that their daughter Léa is the fountain of life in human form. Through mutua...
A man and a boy, traveling to an unknown destination, find respite in a motel swimming pool. On the ...