The Royal Tour is a groundbreaking series of television specials, produced and hosted by Emmy Award-winning journalist and CBS News Travel Editor Peter Greenberg. Guided by some of the most dynamic and powerful heads of state, Peter journeys deep inside each country to offer viewers an all access pass to extraordinary locations, historic landmarks, and cultural experiences. In this latest edition, Peter received a royal tour from the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. For an entire week, Mr. Correa became the ultimate guide, showcasing the visual gems that his country has to offer. They took four camera crews along as they swam with piranha in the Amazon rainforest, went whale watching off the coast of Manta, shopped like a local in a rural town in the Andes Mountains, returned to the President's hometown of Guayaquil and the school he attended, visited a cacao plantation (aka chocolate) farm in Cacao, and went diving with sharks in the Galápagos Islands.
In this daring follow-up to The History of White People in America, comedian Martin Mull takes us on...
The Happy Child is a story of "New Wave" rock genre predominant in the ex-Yugoslavia during the soci...
Channel 4 documentary Britain's Racist Election follows the controversial 1964 Smethwick election ba...
Gender Me is a road movie about Mansour’s voyage into the world of Islam. It is a personal odyssey t...
Every January, the country's largest jigsaw puzzle contest is held in St. Paul, Minnesota. Choose yo...
If your bedroom has become too small a stage for your air guitar antics, take inspiration from the c...
10 years from them to now, people who miss the late president Roh Moo-hyun tell their stories.
Sixteen-year-old Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban for being outspoken about her ...
He was elected as the 44th President of the United States simply for being Obama: voters, tired of w...
From oratory classes to operating room, Beauty Factory follows five girls for four months as they co...
Time Is Illmatic is a feature length documentary film that delves deep into the making of Nas' 1994 ...
Composed entirely of still photographs shot by Marker himself over the course of his restless travel...
Legends of the Knight weaves together the stirring true stories of individuals who have overcome dev...
The film consists mainly of interviews with readers of Freud in Brazil and several places in Europe,...
Details events involving Eisenhower and Nixon
A documentary that explores the challenges that a life in music can bring.
Appalachian Journey is one of five films made from footage that Alan Lomax shot between 1978 and 198...
This documentary short is a portrait of Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party and 13th prime ...
A documentary about a 78-year-old Indian woman in New York who is the world's most passionate theate...