Vaapsi is New punjabi Drama Film directed By Rakesh mehta,The star cast of the Film Gulshan Grover, Asish Duggal, Dhiriti Saharan, Lakhvinder & Mandeep Kaur in pivotal roles,The film is released on 27 May 2016.
In a barren, arranged marriage to an amateur swami who seeks enlightenment through celibacy, Radha's...
In a poetic hour and a half, director Mani Kaul looks at the ancient art of making pottery from a wi...
Kosa is a young boy who lives with his family in the forest heartlands of India. One day, he is pick...
Chronicles from Kashmir seeks to create a sense of “balance”: between differently positioned voices ...
A veterinarian, Dr. Rao, makes a visit to a village, where he intends to commence a co-operative soc...
A manager of an orphanage in India is sent to Copenhagen, Denmark, where he discovers a life-alterin...
Squadron Leader Veer Pratap Singh, a pilot in the Indian Air Force, rescues the stranded Zaara, a wo...
An aspiring actor succumbs to pressure from his father and takes up the role of lawyer.
Aparajito picks up where the first film leaves off, with Apu and his family having moved away from t...
A young Prince Asoka works to perfect his skills in battle and also deals with family conflict. Duri...
Three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across...
After a long exile, Rahul returns to his village in the Himalayas. It causes commotion amongst the v...
Mumbai, India, November 26, 2008. While several terrorists spread hatred and death through the city,...
Vicente Ferrer traveled to India in his youth as a member of a Jesuit mission. Years later, he retur...
Militant bodyguards carry out the assassination of the Indian Prime Minister in 1984.
The film depicts the life of Lord Rama from birth to his marriage with Seetha.
A family decides to visit their clan God to cure their daughter, believed to be possessed but in fac...
A molecular biologist's study of the human eye has far-reaching implications about humanity's scient...
Bare Transit follows the journey of a 23-year-old yoga teacher, Mia, who has travelled back to India...
Ishaan Awasthi is an eight-year-old whose world is filled with wonders that no one else seems to app...