This classic family drama stars Shirley Temple as young orphan Susannah Sheldon, the sole survivor of a brutal Indian attack who's befriended by Canadian Mountie Angus Montague (Randolph Scott) and his girlfriend, Vicky (Margaret Lockwood). The couple takes Susannah under their wing and soon learn that having a precocious child around can come in handy; when the Indians return, the girl uses her charm to broker peace.Shirley is the orphaned survivor of an Indian attack in the Canadian West. A Mountie and his girlfriend take her in...
In 1858 Charles Darwin struggles to publish one of the most controversial scientific theories ever c...
Sara runs for an eco the same day she notices something different on her left breast. Timing and rea...
Going undercover as the notorious "Waco Kid," U.S. Army Captain Jeff Packard manages to infiltrate a...
Fashion icon Coco Chanel, steeped in wealth and fame, still issues game-changing designs and collect...
In late 19th-century England, Jude aspires to be an academic, but is hobbled by his blue-collar back...
Jim Craig has lived his first 18 years in the mountains of Australia on his father's farm. The death...
Wealthy Jack Stimson (Jay Belasco) falls in love with Broadway diva Velma Vrooman (Gretchen Lederer)...
"Don't pity me, just give me money." A smart little girl, Suzu, for the sake of her beloved sick mot...
For Miranda Wells, moving to New York to live in Dragonwyck Manor with her rich cousin, Nicholas, se...
Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thu...
A butterfly collector unwittingly wanders into an Indian encampment while chasing a butterfly, but t...
Elmer Winslow is a soldier on the run from the Union Army, and Luke Budd is a cowboy with a broken h...
In New York's 1880s newspaper district, a dedicated journalist manages to set up his own paper. It i...
During the first day of his new school year, a fifth grade boy squares off against a bully and winds...
The gullible buyer Žemla Martin (Francis Smolik) finally opened his dream shop. After a while, you g...
Against the backdrop of New York City of the early 1850s, a young woman -- naively seeking to win th...
A french writer documents the seductive power of the beautiful Carmen, who has enchanted José, a you...
Two brothers flee America and join the Canadian North West Mounted Police. One brother is good, the ...