The film follows the story of a San Francisco Pentecostal minister Richard Gazowsky on his quest to shoot a groundbreaking fantasy film called Gravity: The Shadow of Joseph (described by him as "Star Wars meets The Ten Commandments"). The film follows him and members of his church as they go through pre-production and fly to Alberobello, Italy, for initial shooting that turns out to be marred with difficulties.
BRICKS IN MOTION is a feature length documentary that explores the lives of individuals involved in ...
The film Journeys alongside the filmmakers behind Disneynature’s “Polar Bear” as they face profound ...
Behind-the-scenes tidbits of "The Legend of the Stardust Brothers".
This documentary captures the sounds and images of a nearly forgotten era in film history when Afric...
Handbook of Movie Theaters’ History is a documentary about the history, the development in the prese...
A look back at the wild and crazy endeavor to make 12 Westerns in 12 Months during 2020 with directo...
Documentary about the life and career of a comic genius, Peter Sellers.
The story of how a tiny, broke Silicon Valley startup slew giants of the movie rental world, warded ...
This documentary is featured on Arrow Video's 2011 DVD & Blu-ray releases for The Beyond (1981).
Documentary about the 1970 film, "End of The Road."
Documentary on the life of legendary filmmaker Roger Corman, often referred to as the "Pope of Pop C...
Documentary about veteran character actor Dick Miller, whose career in and outside of Hollywood has ...
Is there an audience for Latin American movies? These are some of the questions posed by an Ecuadori...
Wallace Carlson walks viewers through the production of an animated short at Bray Studios.
Promotional documentary for the MGM film "Ice Station Zebra" focusing on the career and cinematograp...
'Giallo' is Italian for 'yellow', the color of the lurid pulp novels that inspired one of the most i...
Follows the behind-the-scenes work of Studio Ghibli, focusing on the notable figures Hayao Miyazaki,...
Retrospective documentary featuring interviews with Ethan Wiley, Sean S. Cunningham, Arye Gross and ...
An intimate window into one of the great movements in film history that brought about an evolution i...
A short documentary about the Making Of Hitchcock's "Shadow of a Doubt" (1943).